The key dates and timeline for early elections in Germany

The die has been cast and after the collapse of the governing coalition, Germany is heading for early elections, to be held on February 23 next year. Here are some key dates on the road to the election. – Chancellor Olaf Solz will ask for a vote of confidence in the Bundestag on December 16. If it does not win the vote, as expected, then the governing coalition now does not have a parliamentary majority. – Two days later (18 December) the Bundestag votes on the vote of confidence. – The Chancellor loses the vote of confidence and asks the Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to dissolve the Federal Parliament, based on Article 68 of the German Constitution. – Steinmeier then dissolves the Bundestag 21 days later. The Constitution does not compel him to do so. – If the president dissolves the Bundestag, he will simultaneously set a date for elections. This must be done within 60 days of the dissolution of the Bundestag, according to Article 39 of the constitution. German presidents usually […]
Source: News Beast

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