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The little breathing exercise to meditate with the Ave Maria (and overcome insomnia) suggested by Franco Berrino

«If you have any anxiety, worry or worry that makes you sleepless, a good way to relax and help you fall asleep is to recite the Ave Maria in Latin: it works very well”. Professor guarantees this. Franco Berrinodoctor, epidemiologist, former director of the Department of Preventive and Predictive Medicine at the Cancer Institute of Milan and founder of the association «The Great Way».

Meditation Expertwho has been practicing since the age of 14, and spiritualityBerrino mentioned the prayer during the public meeting held at the beginning of August at the centre «The meeting» in Telti, Sardinia, guest of the naturalist biologist Daniel Lumera, his “colleague” in meditation and great friend, while we were talking about practices that can somehow calm the anxiety that grips the human soul today, and therefore lower cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in the blood.

«We must however distance ourselves, or rather completely detach ourselves, from the mere religious meaning, and instead delve into the practice of mantra recitationbecause prayers are in all respects», explains Berrino. «Let’s take theHail Mary, but in Latin: if recited in a single breath, and repeating it continuously, It allows you to slow down your pace to 6 breaths per minute, compared to the 13-14 we usually do. This has very important physiological effects, as activates the baroreceptor reflexor pressure regulation: In those who are hypotensive, it allows it to be raised; in those who are hypertensive, it lowers it».

But does it also apply to the Ave Maria in Italian?
«No, the Italian version has too many words, which do not allow for the right cadence. Don’t you want to recite the Ave Maria? Then recite Om Mani Padme HumThe Tibetan Mantra of Compassionwhich also has a wonderful meaning: Hands in Sanskrit it means «jewel», Padme it’s the lotus flowerso this mantra is the bow to the flower that is inside each of us: the lotus flower rises from the mud and when it is on the surface it is unassailable, you can disfigure it, but you cannot destroy it».

How then to recite the Hail Mary or the mantra of compassion?
«Just take a deep breath, and on the wave of exhalation, begin to recite the first part of the Hail MaryWhile on the next inhale, recite the second part and so on for at least a minute. You will see what immediate relief!

A pocket-sized exercise to use whenever you need it, in short…
«Absolutely yes: when a little anxiety arrives, just stop for a moment to meditate and recite these very powerful mantras. Or before going to bed, to have a more peaceful sleep…It is no coincidence that we were educated to say prayers before going to sleep.”

Does this mean that our grandmothers had everything figured out and that’s why there was nothing that made them panic?
«When I was little, I watched my aunts go every evening to recite the rosary to the Madonna, in the month of May, traditionally Marian. They always came back relaxed, now we know why.”

Source: Vanity Fair

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