The myth of Thatcher’s crackdown on hooliganism and the truth about the measures that changed English football

Every time we are confronted with the issue of hooliganism in Greece, many invoke one person: Margaret Thatcher. “How did the Prime Minister of Britain manage to crack down on violence in football stadiums?” With a political fist and harsh measures” they ask and answer themselves. But this claim is nothing more than a myth, which continues to be repeated as a hoax. The reality is completely different and the truth is that Margaret Thatcher had little to do with the sport, but also with the transformation of English football into what we know today: The famous Premier League, the top league on the planet. The years of decline In the 1980s, football in Britain was in decline and hooliganism was on the rise. Facilities were abysmal even in the top flight, pitches resembled ‘death traps’ and often turned into battlegrounds between opposing fans and the police. The sport was in desperate need of investment and the number of fans in the stands was steadily decreasing. The publications presented the […]
Source: News Beast

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