The National Court exonerates the Russian tycoon Mikhail Fridman in the ‘Zed case’

The Court of Instruction number 6 of the National Court has exonerated the Russian businessman Mikhail Fridman of the ‘Zed case’. Judge Manuel García Castellón has dictated a car, to which he has had access THE WORLD, in which it concludes that there is no evidence of a crime in the actions of the owner of Grupo Dia to stay with the technology company Zed at a very low price.

“Of the proceedings carried out up to the present moment and considering finished the instruction with respect to the investigated one”, emphasizes the instructor, “they do not allow to attribute in any way the condition of administrator of right” of Fridman, defended in this procedure by the lawyer Jesus Saints. “This is evidenced by a simple examination of the corporate structures investigated in this instruction.”

“In the same way, of the proceedings carried out in this court and the examination of the documentation provided, there is also no documentary or testimonial evidence that supports the initial consideration of a possible participation in the investigated events “, abounds in the judicial resolution

The National Court highlights that last July declared before the judge the partner responsible for the audit Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), which examined Zed’s situation “between April 2013 and November 2014, who pointed out that it did not find any evidence linking Mikhail Fridman with the investigated companies, nor did it attribute any kind of responsibility.” Not in vain, “the reports and letters from PWC are included in the case,” says the judge, which reveal the “lack of direct or indirect control over the companies, much less over the investigated operation.”

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