Until last year we were used to only considering Kate Middleton a style icon. But the absence from the spotlight of the Princess of Wales, due to her illness, has shifted attention to other members of the English royal family, re-evaluating characters who had never been taken into consideration before. It didn’t take long for the “Kate effect”, which led to an increase in sales of any beauty product or dress associated with the princess, to be accompanied by other similar phenomena. Now it would appear that her husband, Prince William, is having the same effect on the general public.
Ever since the prince was spotted with a scruffy beard last August, there have been rumors that his casual look, so different from what we have seen in the past, has inspired other men to copy him, to the point of undergoing a transplant of beard to reach it. The news was reported by the English tabloid Expresswhich would report an increase in recent months in a clinic in Türkiye of the procedure in question.
Murat Alsac, co-founder of the Estenove clinic in Istanbul, dubbed this increase in interest the “Prince William effect” and declared: “The number of transplants we are carrying out has increased by 200%. People show photos of Prince William on their phones and say: ‘Make me look like this.’ They think it helps them look more rugged and masculine.”
William first attracted attention for his scruffy, unkempt beard in his video message celebrating the Paris Olympics. Wearing the official Adidas Team GB Olympics polo shirt, he had abandoned his clean-shaven look that had become a certainty over the years, a choice that hides a new maturity and liberation from past models on the part of the prince.
According to what was written in his brother Harry’s memoir, Sparethe beard has always been a rather controversial aesthetic detail in the palace, so much so that it became the seed of discord between the two princes who in the past would have quarreled because Queen Elizabeth applied double standards on the ban on wearing a beard, considered contrary to ‘real label. If he demanded a clean and composed look from William on public occasions, when it came to his nephew Harry he turned a blind eye.
Now, however, William is finally taking his little revenge.
Source: Vanity Fair

I’m Susan Karen, a professional writer and editor at World Stock Market. I specialize in Entertainment news, writing stories that keep readers informed on all the latest developments in the industry. With over five years of experience in creating engaging content and copywriting for various media outlets, I have grown to become an invaluable asset to any team.