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The State Duma has begun consideration of a bill on mining

On July 23, the Russian State Duma will consider in the first reading a bill on regulating cryptocurrency mining. This was learned “Vedomosti”.

Lawmakers stepped up efforts to legalize the industry shortly after demands from President Putin, who criticized miners’ uncontrolled energy consumption, which he said had already led to power shortages in some Russian regions.

It is expected that the bill as a whole may be adopted by the end of this week. According to the document’s co-author, deputy Anton Gorelkin, the package of amendments for the second reading has already been practically formed.

According to its provisions, Russian legal entities and individual entrepreneurs included in the relevant register will be able to mine digital currencies. Only those miners who have mined them will have the right to make transactions with cryptocurrencies.

The FSB, Rosfinmonitoring and tax authorities will control the circulation of cryptocurrencies in the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the State Duma Committee on Financial Markets recommended adopting the bill on regulating mining activities in the first reading.

Multi-million dollar damages

In anticipation of energy regulation, they once again reported the discovery of an illegal mining farm, writes “Kommersant”In the village of Yugo-Kamsky, 150 devices connected to the power grid bypassing metering devices were discovered in a non-residential building.

The damage was estimated at several million rubles. The police registered the inspection materials. The owners of the illegal cryptocurrency farm face criminal punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to five years.

Last week, police near Irkutsk shut down 500 bitcoin miners whose owners had underpaid the energy company more than 200 million rubles.

Let us recall that the current version of the draft law on mining contains a provision on a partial ban on the organization of cryptocurrency turnover in the Russian Federation. This point has caused the most heated debate in the community.

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Source: Cryptocurrency

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