Catalonia will continue to have bars and restaurants closed until, at least, next week. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) rejected the very precautionary measures requested by several employers to revoke the resolution of the Generalitat last Friday that ordered the closure of bars and restaurants for 15 days to contain the coronavirus.
In their appeal against the order of the Govern the employers to the Catalan Federation of associations of restoration and musical activities (Fecasarm), the Gremio de Restauración de Barcelona, ​​the National Association of professionals and freelancers of natural therapies (Cofenat) and the National Association of businessmen of recreational machines (Andemar Cataluà ± a), also asked for extremely precautionary measures that were rejected by the court.
However, the TSJC processes the resources presented and will study the allegations of the employers against the order of the Generalitat, which has until this Tuesday to contribute its arguments to endorse the closure of the restoration premises, which goes by highlighting the importance of the state of health crises and the increase in covid cases. The court will make a decision in the next few days.

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