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The USA is again faced with the shutdown, the paralysis of a large part of the federal state

To vote for the fastest extension of the budget under execution so that the USA not to experience in a month the much-discussed shutdown, the paralysis of a large part of the federal state, the US presidency asked the US Congress on Thursday. “It is clear that short-term fiscal legislation will be needed next month,” the White House budget office said in a statement.

The goal, according to the announcement, is to “avoid serious disruptions to federal operations” once the new fiscal year begins on October 1.

“We need to fund programs important to Americans and address urgent needs,” President Joe Biden’s spokeswoman Karin Jean-Pierre said. if a vote is not held soon, food aid programs could be threatened.

“There is no reason for it Congress to not be able to do his job,” he added.

The US Congress is currently divided, with the Senate in the hands of the Democrats and the House of Representatives in those of the opposition Republicans.

It’s the second time in a few months as the world’s largest economy faces the risk of political and economic impasse, according to AFP and the Athens News Agency.

It was only in June that the risk of a default was averted after lengthy negotiations between Mr. Biden’s administration and the American right.

The suspension of payments would be something unprecedented, however the US has experienced several times, more or less prolonged shutdowns, periods of fiscal paralysis.

The debate this time will focus on about $20 billion in additional funds that the presidency requested on August 10.

In particular, President Biden wants Congress to approve an additional $13 billion in aid to Ukraine.

Source: News Beast

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