The ZAS de las Tascas forces to reduce terrace to the hotel business in Plaza Santa Clara de Castellón

 The Castellón City Council has notified the catering establishments in Plaza Santa Clara that they must reduce the number of terraces that now operate in compliance with the restrictions of the Tascas ZAS zone.

Business owners now have ten days to file complaints against the new regulation of the City Council, coinciding with the time of the coronavirus that has caused havoc to the sector with a loss of activity and customers due to fear of contagion and the imposition of social distance.

One of those affected by this measure based on the limitations of the ZAS zone (Acoustically Saturated Zone) will go from having 16 tables with 64 chairs to only 8 tables and 36 chairs. Another of the hospitality entrepreneurs that will have to benefit from the revision of the ZAS area will go from operating 15 tables and 60 chairs to 4 tables and 14 chairs, which for the sector represents a loss of business opportunity at the time of most vulnerability due to the coronavirus.

The Tascas ZAS area was approved by the Castellón City Council on October 28, 2010 until its modification in 2014. More recently, on November 29, 2018, the plenary session of the Castellón City Council gave the green light to updating the corrective measures in the ZAS de las Tascas area.

Among those actions, aimed at contain the noise pollution in the area due to the concentration of the public, includes the reduction of the number of terraces to the public as well as a new time frame for the hotel business.

Specifically, Thursday, Friday and Saturday the terraces can be occupied until 10:30 p.m.. From that moment on, the hotel business will cease to ensure the rest of the residents of this central urban point.

He The rest of the days of the week can be consumed until 00:30, as stated in the communications sent by the City Council to the hoteliers.

Marín-Buck (Cs):”He is the foreword to hostel death”

The spokesman for Ciudadanos (Cs) in the Castellón City Council, Alejandro MarÃn-Buck has denounced that  «the Fa-drell drowns the hospitality of the center accumulating the Covid restrictions in compliance with the health recommendations of social distancing with the restrictions of the ZAS ». In this way, MarÃn-Buck has transferred that from Cs  «we have asked in commission if there is any news about the ZAS and what is the reason why some hoteliers in Plaza Santa Clara have received an order for the deadline It took just over a month to reduce their terraces, something that adds to the reduction they have already applied due to the pandemic.

The Cs spokesperson regretted that  «surely when they respond it will be too late because the traders affected will have already had to permanently remove part of their tables and chairs, the prologue of their deathÂ.

Finally, Marín-Buck has criticized that  «the Fadrell counter programmed its plan of aid to trade, whose requirement is to keep it open until December 31, 2021, with an order that suffocates the hotel traders of the centerÂ. According to the Citizens’ spokesperson,  «an establishment that lives off the terrace, with 4 tables cannot be kept open even until December 31 of this same 2020», concluded the Cs spokesperson

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