This is what these 15 celebrities would look like if they were ordinary people

We are used to celebrities always looking good, charming, presentable and have almost perfect bodies, so it is difficult for us to imagine them in a totally different situation or if they lived like other people. However, this was not a difficult task for Planet Hiltron.

This social media account makes celebrities look like an average person. They do not have fashionable haircuts here, there are no jewelry or designer clothes and, of course, they do not have the “perfection” that characterizes them. These are the 15 best photos of the famous as everyday people.

1. Beauty doesn’t go away for Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez characterized as a curvy girl with long copper hair

2. This is what Miley would be like if she had a career in the 80s

Miley Cyrus Cyrus with Chinese 80's hairstyle posing for a picture

3. Another platinum version of Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton characterized as a grown woman with a large nose and platinum hair.  Sitting holding a chihuahua dog

4. Lindsay Lohan: the single aunt and millionaire of the family

Lindsay Lohan characterized as an adult woman with gray hair and a green dress with jewels

5. A very different Madonna

Madonna characterized as an elderly woman

6. Kim and Kanye in their anniversary photo

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West characterized as an overweight '80s family

7. Jay-Z looks like a bank worker

Beyoncé and Jay-z posing for a photo like a typical American family

8. This is what Gwyneth Paltrow would look like if she weren’t famous

Gwynet Paltrow characterized as an ordinary housewife with a few extra pounds and platinum hair

9. Rihanna would be a very elegant lady

Rihanna characterized as a woman from the 80s posing for the photograph with her hand on her chin

10. Jennifer Aniston is the cat woman

Jennifer Aniston characterized as an elderly woman with several cats

11. Scarlett Johansson: The Systems Engineer

Scarlett johansson characterized as a woman from the 80s with curly hair and fringe

12. The Kardashians look like real aunts

Kim, Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian characterized as old ladies

13. Zooey Deschanel is like John Travolta in Hairspray

Zoe Deschanel looking a few extra pounds

14. Nicki Minaj recording her album in the 90s

Nicki Minaj characterized as a 90s woman

15. Johnny Depp is like a real dude at Christmas

Johonny Depp with long hair and cheeked face

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