In Rio de Janeiro, people convicted of racism, violence against women or feminicide cannot be appointed to public positions.
The new determination is part of a law sanctioned by Mayor Eduardo Paes (PSD), which came into force after being published in the Official Gazette of the Municipality last Tuesday (7).
According to complementary law No. 266 of November 6, 2023, the appointment “to hold commissioned positions or positions of trust, is prohibited, for people who have been convicted with final and unappealable judgment, for reasons of discrimination and prejudice”.
The document covers positions in “Direct and Indirect Municipal Public Administration, Foundations and the Legislature”.
Persons convicted by a sentence that has already become final and unappealable for the practices of discrimination and prejudice provided for in laws no. 7,716 of January 5, 1989 will be prohibited from assuming these positions; No. 13,104 of March 9, 2015; and nº 11,340 of August 7, 2006 until “the sentence has been served in the municipality”.
Law 7,716 refers to crimes resulting from prejudice based on race or color; 13.104 is to “curb domestic and family violence against women”.
The third law mentioned, number 11,340, changes the Penal Code so that cases of feminicide are aggravated in cases of homicide, even considered heinous crimes.
The complementary law of the city of Rio de Janeiro was sanctioned by the mayor after being approved by the City Council.
Source: CNN Brasil
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