In a video on his channel, Weiss recalled that in 2019, the BTC rate rose almost 200% without a recoil in 4 months. But then it resulted in almost a year of consolidation of the first cryptocurrency and an unexpected drop in the rate by 70%. Instead of such a sharp rise, the analyst would have preferred a slower but sustained increase in the capitalization of bitcoin.
“If we rise sharply to, say, $50,000, then a quick fall to $25,000 or $30,000 is very likely. But if the rate grows more slowly and steadily, then a fall from $50,000 to $30,000 will be unlikely. If everything goes according to the ideal scenario, then now it would be worth bitcoin to slow down. Maybe rise to $30,000 and roll back to $25,000. Then break through $30,000, grow to $35,000 and return to $30,000 again. And start growing again,” Weiss believes.
According to the analyst, if the bitcoin rate rises to $50,000 or $60,000 not earlier than this summer, then the first cryptocurrency will roll back to $30,000 or only to $40,000. He noted that a slow and stable growth will avoid a new fall to $20,000.
Earlier, the CEO of investment firm Capriole Charles Edwards (Charles Edwards) said that bitcoin is preparing for a “perfect $100,000 leap, just like in the textbooks.”
Source: Bits
I am an experienced journalist, writer, and editor with a passion for finance and business news. I have been working in the journalism field for over 6 years, covering a variety of topics from finance to technology. As an author at World Stock Market, I specialize in finance business-related topics.