Aerial images show the regions most affected by the storm that hit the city of Ipatinga (MG) in the early hours of the 12th of this month. The flyover shows houses on the edge of the slope that suffered landslides due to heavy rains that left 10 people dead in the municipality.
The city council of Ipatinga (MG) classifies the situation as “still very worrying”, “high complexity” and a “permanent threat to countless families”, due to the residences in the area of soil erosion.
The municipality’s Civil Defense has increased closures and insisted on the vacating of properties in specific locations inspected, which present a risk situation. “For safety reasons, the recommendation is that closed properties not be occupied again”, states the city hall.
As of this Wednesday (22), 157 remain homeless and 1,673 displaced. According to the emergency response agency, 575 houses were closed .
In Santana do Paraíso (MG), a neighboring city, a death as a result of the storms was confirmed by the Military Fire Department of the State of Minas Gerais (CBMMG).
A municipal decree declared a state of emergency due to heavy rains, which caused landslides and damage to the city’s infrastructure. The measure authorizes emergency measures, such as mobilization of bodies, hiring of personnel and acquisition of resources for assistance
This content was originally published in Tragedy in Ipatinga: images show houses that resisted landslides on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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