The Chamber of Deputies approved last Thursday (13) the bill that provides for the implementation of so-called chemical castration for individuals convicted of pedophilia.
The approved text is a substitute presented by the rapporteur of the matter, Deputy Delegate Katarina (PSD-SE) and now goes to the Senate for consideration. See how each deputy voted.
The amendment that included chemical castration in the project was authored by deputy Ricardo Salles (Novo-SP). In the text, it is mentioned that the measure will be applied “cumulatively to the penalties already provided” for rapists and that chemical castration “will be carried out through the use of libido-inhibiting medications, under the terms regulated by the Ministry of Health, observing medical contraindications ”.
The project also foresees the creation of a national registry of pedophiles, which will include information, such as photographs, of people convicted of crimes linked to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
Among these crimes are rape of a vulnerable person; corruption of minors; sexual exploitation of children, adolescents or vulnerable people; and crimes committed by digital means, such as producing, storing, disseminating or exposing sex videos involving children or adolescents.
How chemical castration works
Chemical castration is a non-invasive method – that is, without surgery or other procedures – that aims to inhibit male libido. Among the substances used for this purpose are medroxyprogesterone acetate and leuprorelin acetate.
“Chemical castration or testosterone antagonist therapy, as it is often called, is a form of reversible castration, caused by the application of hormones that act on the pituitary gland, a gland in the brain that regulates the production and release of testosterone”, says an excerpt from a master’s thesis by lawyer Geovana Tavares de Mattos, published in 2009 by the Federal University of Minas Gerais.
Doctor George Brown, professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at East Tennessee State University, in the United States, explained, in a scientific article published in 2023, how chemical castration works.
“Medroxyprogesterone and leuprolide [leuprorrelina] prevent the pituitary gland from sending a signal to the testicles to produce testosterone. Thus, there is a drop in testosterone levels and sexual desire.”
In the article, the doctor mentions other substances that can be used for this purpose. “Antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may also be helpful. They can help control sexual desires and fantasies. They also decrease sexual desire and can cause erectile dysfunction.”
He highlights, however, that “drug treatment is more effective when combined with psychotherapy (especially cognitive-behavioral therapy) and social skills training”.
When presenting the amendment that proposed chemical castration, deputy Ricardo Salles justified that the measure, “regulated and supervised by health professionals, is widely used in several countries as an additional instrument to reduce sexual impulses in individuals diagnosed with sexual behavior disorders ”.
“The measure, combined with continuous psychological treatment, seeks to promote effective control over the actions of those convicted, significantly reducing the risk of recidivism and offering a response proportional to the severity of the crime.”
“Therefore, by proposing this measure, the Brazilian State’s commitment to the protection and healthy development of children and adolescents is reaffirmed, promoting a safer environment and effectively combating the crimes that affect our society in its most fragile and precious”, he added.
Criticism of the project
Through social media, deputy Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ) criticized the chemical castration project. For him, the measure is “ineffective and dangerous”, “opens room for judicial errors and does not necessarily prevent abuse”.
“A discussion of this type needs to be done seriously, not embedded as an amendment in an unrelated matter. The sexual offender does not attack only through sexual intercourse. It’s about power relations, and it can happen with or without the use of the genital organ and regardless of libido,” he wrote.
“The fight against this violence needs real policies, based on strengthening full protection for our children and adolescents”, he added.
This content was originally published in Understand how chemical castration works for pedophiles; project was approved in the Chamber on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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