Union president is removed from office on suspicion of corruption in Minas Gerais

The president of the Rural Workers Union of Paracatu, in the Northwest of Minas Gerais, was removed from office after the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais (MPMG) obtained an injunction in court determining the removal. He was also prohibited from accessing the entity’s headquarters and from maintaining contact with witnesses and victims of alleged fraud in the creation of National Family Farming Registries (CAFs).

According to MPMG’s findings, the entity’s president was carrying out the registrations without the documentation required by law, making it impossible to actually certify whether the person met the requirements. Remembering that the CAF is an identification and qualification document for family farming organizations so that their members have access to public agricultural policies.

The implementation and management of the CAF is the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, but entities representing family farming, such as unions, are also allowed to register. In the Paracatu rural union, the licensed president was, since September 2022, responsible for issuing CAFs.

The MPMG also found that the union president also issued 38 false declarations of rural activity time and charged R$300 for each of them. In addition to inserting the start date of rural activity in all declarations, as May 18, 2018.

The irregularities began to be discovered, after the entity’s new board of directors received complaints from several people, reporting that they had to pay R$300 for the entity’s president to issue declarations of rural activity time, and even so, the documents were rejected by the Ministry of Agriculture.

The board also found that he was issuing CAFs outside the union’s physical space, without checking whether the people met the conditions established by law and whether they were affiliated with the union.

“It is worth highlighting the fact that the person being investigated, in addition to being president of the trade association, also holds an elected mandate and is seeking re-election. As a result, he requested to leave his position as president of the union to dedicate himself to his candidacy. It was precisely because of his removal that it was possible to expose the irregularities and illegalities”, state prosecutors Mariana Duarte Leão and Júlio César Miranda.

THE CNN Try contacting the union and the text will be updated later.

This content was originally published in Union president is removed from office due to suspicion of corruption in Minas Gerais on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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