US gives ‘green light’ to sell F-16 parts and radar to Taiwan

The US government announced on Friday 11/29 that it has decided to say yes to the potential sale of parts for F-16 multi-role fighter jets and radar systems for them, worth an estimated $320 million, to Taiwan. The contract provides that this equipment will come from existing stocks of the US armed forces, the federal agency responsible for US arms sales to foreign countries, DSCA (Defense Security Cooperation Agency), clarified in a statement. “The proposed sale serves US national, economic and security interests” as it supports Taiwan’s efforts to “modernize its armed forces and maintain a credible defense capability,” the agency said in a statement. The sale will “enhance” Taiwan’s military’s ability “to meet current and future threats while maintaining the operational readiness of its F-16 fleet,” he added. China and Taiwan have coexisted since 1949 with separate governments. Beijing, however, considers the island integral […]
Source: News Beast

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