Veterinarian finds heron with a plastic cup stuck inside its neck in RJ

Veterinarian Jeferson Pires photographed a heron with a plastic cup stuck around its neck on the Rio Morto road, in the Recreio neighborhood, in Rio de Janeiro.

The bird was sitting on the side of the road when it was spotted by the veterinarian, who was driving by the place. “After I stopped the car, I went to meet her, but she was in good body condition and, because of that, she ended up flying”, says Jeferson.

The Animal Patrol, a Rio city council service that rescues wild animals at risk, has constantly monitored the heron, which continues to be seen in the region.

Rescue of the animal is difficult due to the location. “It is in a very difficult place to capture, it is a flooded region, with a lot of vegetation and when someone approaches the bird it flies away”, says the professional.

According to the veterinarian, the capture of the animal will only occur when the bird begins to enter a weakened state of health. “The presence of the cup in the neck region, in the bird’s esophagus, will prevent the animal from eating. It can even capture it, but the food will not be able to pass into the stomach”, explains the veterinarian.

The expectation is that in around five days the animal will already be in a weakened state of health, making it possible to capture it, so that surgery can be carried out to remove this plastic cup stuck in the bird’s esophagus.

The Estácio de Vargem Pequena Wild Animal Recovery Center (Cras) monitors the animal and, together with veterinarian Jeferson Pires, are available to rescue the animal.

This content was originally published in Veterinarian finds heron with a plastic cup stuck inside its neck in RJ on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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