In a video, It is possible to see that the 88 Brazilians deported from the United States landed from the handcuffed plane and with their feet, and some were hooded.
In one of the moments of the shoot, a person present at the site receives the Brazilians and says “welcome back”.
Passengers spent the night at an Eduardo Gomes International Airport Hall in Manaus after the cancellation of the flight that would take them to Belo Horizonte.
The Brazilian government determined the removal of the handcuffs.
Watch the full video below:
In a statement, the Ministry of Justice stated that the attempt to maintain the handcuffed group was a “blatant disrespect for the fundamental rights of Brazilian citizens”.
According to the portfolio, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) was informed and determined the mobilization of FAB to ensure that the trip is finalized “with dignity and security”, such as the CNN showed.
“The Ministry of Justice and Public Security emphasizes that the dignity of the human person is a basic principle of the Federal Constitution and one of the pillars of the Democratic Rule of Law, constituting non -negotiable values,” the note concluded.
Final destination of Brazilians’ trip is Confins Airport, located in Belo Horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais.
This content was originally published in video: Brazilians arrived in Manaus handcuffed after deportation of the US on the CNN Brazil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.