A corn cart exploded and caught fire on Copacabana beach, in Rio de Janeiro, last Monday (20). Bathers filmed the moment when the seller, identified as Kaike Gomes, tried to put out the flames while people around them mobilized to help.
Watch the video:
According to the report of Adriana Caetano, who witnessed the situation, she was filming her mother when she noticed a gas leak in Kaike’s stroller. Concerned about the risk of explosion, Adriana moved her mother away from the area and continued filming from a distance.
The images show the moment when Kaike tries to turn off the gas valve, when the explosion occurs, hitting him close to his hands and face. Despite the scare, Kaike did not give up on putting out the fire and, in around five minutes, managed to control the flames.
After the incident, swimmers, including children, came together to help Kaike. While some collected their documents and cell phones, placing them safely, others picked up the corn scattered across the sand.
Furthermore, bathers started an impromptu crowdfunding campaign to help Kaike minimize losses.
Adriana Caetano shared the video on social media with Kaike’s Pix number, encouraging other people to contribute.
THE CNN Tried to contact the seller, but received no response.
* Under supervision
This content was originally published in Video: Corn cart explodes and catches fire on Copacabana beach (RJ) on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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