At high speed, a luxury Jaguar car ran a red light and crashed into another vehicle on Avenida Ibirapuera, south of São Paulo, in the early hours of this Friday (13). The accident was recorded by local security cameras.
See the moment of the accident:
In the images, it is possible to see the white Jaguar at high speed, passing the red light at an intersection, when the vehicle hits another car, which was crossing the avenue.
According to the Military Police, the two drivers involved, one aged 53 and the other aged 26, were injured.
They were taken to the emergency room at Hospital Municipal Doutor Arthur Ribeiro de Saboya and Hospital Vergueiro. Their health status was not reported.
According to the police report, none of those involved showed signs of intoxication.
The case was registered as negligent bodily injury while driving a motor vehicle and collision at the 27th DP (Campo Belo).
* Under supervision
This content was originally published in Video: Jaguar at high speed runs through a red light and causes an accident in SP on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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