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Vodafone Business: The ultimate destination for SMEs to take advantage of digital transformation grants from the Recovery Fund

It is commonly accepted that small and medium enterprises are the heart of the Greek economy, having the indisputable numerical superiority in the domestic market. But also historically, it is the type of business that first flourished and shaped the corporate and work culture in Greece. However, small and medium entrepreneurship – not only in our country, but also in Europe as a whole – has lagged significantly behind large companies, both in the adoption of digital tools and in the digital skills of employees.

In this direction, the utilization of the great opportunity offered by the “Digital Tools for SMEs” Program of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0 is of particular importance. This is a program that will be run in the form of vouchers for a 90% subsidy. of new digital services and products, which will modernize the operation of the beneficiaries, upgrade the way they communicate and collaborate, reduce their operating costs and strengthen their online presence. For all this, the Vodafone Business has the appropriate solutions, having supported a number of Greek businesses in their digital journey, as a trusted partner in their critical leap towards tomorrow.

In particular, and especially for individual and small businesses with a staff of 1 to 10 people, subsidies will be given for solutions worth up to €2,000, with the beneficiaries being asked to cover only 10% of the total cost. For this category, Vodafone Business offers solutions that facilitate work and collaboration from anywhere, solutions for creating eshops, as well as tools for remote monitoring and management of business assets, such as the corporate fleet and their cooling units .

In addition, in order for the digital journey of businesses to develop as smoothly, seamlessly and immediately as possible, Vodafone Business provides each cooperating business with a specialist consultant who will fully support them at every step of the process, from the application for the voucher, the selection of solutions suitable for each business up to their delivery.

Find the right Vodafone solution for you as well as more information about the program here.

Source: Capital

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