War in Ukraine: “Russia makes massive use of cluster munitions”

THE Russia does mass use of dispersal weapons in Ukrainecausing hundreds of civilian casualties and destroying homes, schools and hospitals, reports the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) in its annual report.

“Ukrainian forces also appear to have made repeated use of such weapons during the conflict,” according to the agency.

As APE-MPE reports, neither Russia nor Ukraine have signed the convention that prohibits the use of dispersion weapons, in which 110 states and 13 other signatories participate.

“Russia’s massive use in Ukraine of internationally banned dispersal weapons shows its flagrant disregard for human life, humanitarian values ​​and the rule of law,” said Mary Wareham, one of the authors of the report, which was published days before from the annual conference of States Parties to the Convention which will take place at the UN headquarters in Geneva from August 30 to September 2.

Source: News Beast

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