What do Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal do it together 36 years later Harry I present to you Sally?

36 years have passed since Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal they played together in a movie, Harry I present you Sallywho would enter the history of cinema by law, and it would be said that for them time has not passed. Sitting side by side, the actors place for a shot that seems to anticipate A new project Which will see them involved even if still top secret: “It is finally happening,” wrote Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in a joint post published on Instagram on January 22nd. “We are gathering for something iconic. We can’t wait to show it to you as soon as possible ».

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What it is still is not known, but certainly see the two actors – Meg, 63, with a black jacket above a white shirt, and Billy, 76, with A white wrapped wool sweater very similar to that worn by his character in Harry I present you Sally – He woke up in the public tons of nostalgia For Golden Age of the romantic comedies that Hollywood has never been able to replicate again.

According to the American media, The opportunity that allowed Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal to find himself could be an advertising spot that will be broadcast during the next Super Bowlbut it doesn’t matter: it was from the 30th anniversary of Harry I present you Sally That Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal did not show up together, not to mention the moment when, together with the director Rob Reiner, they told some details of the behind the scenes of certain iconic scenes of the film such as that of the orgasm simulated by Meg Ryan in one Hot table that is still today a pilgrimage destination for millions of fans around the world.

Source: Vanity Fair

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