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WHO Exceeds Targets for Polio Vaccination of Children in Gaza

The World Health Organization in Gaza has announced that it has exceeded its targets for polio vaccinations in Gaza, on today’s third day of its massive campaign, and has already vaccinated about a quarter of children under 10 years of age. The campaign, which was accelerated after the first case of polio in an infant in Gaza last month, calls for an eight-hour daily ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in certain areas of the besieged enclave. Rick Pieperkorn, WHO’s representative in Gaza, told reporters that the agency had vaccinated more than 161,000 children under the age of 10 in the central enclave during the first two days of the campaign compared to an estimate of 150,000. That’s about a quarter of the total population targeted by the campaign to stop the spread of the disease, which can cause paralysis and even death in young children. Until now […]
Source: News Beast

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