“You are making us sick of work.” The Reel with whom the doctor has this title Ilaria Rossiello He announces his farewell to the profession of general practitioners. The 34 -year -old medicine graduate with specialization in general medicine, explained the resignation, via social media, where he tells why, after five years of profession in a medical clinic in Montecosaro, in the Marche.
«CHANGE MESTIER, Yes! I feel free. Even if I was very brought to being a family doctor, and the years I dedicated to the profession demonstrate this, however I am not doing the martyr»Says the doctor who was already well known for interventions on social media and with this video he became viral.
“Because the working load had now become unsustainable and was not even rewarding, so much so that it compromises my personal life. I had the clinic but then also house arrest and availability. They stopped me in the gym, at the bar, and the phone rang continuously. I didn’t sleep at night and I had anguish. I was more bad for my work than for the health problems that I had that as you understood they were tumor. So if the work creates you more anguish than a tumor, perhaps it is appropriate to change jobs ».
The doctor also says that he does not pull back in front of his own disease. «On the seventh post -operative day I went to work but I was sick. I did over 100 accesses but I couldn’t speak and so I did it through the secretary and my partner. When there was a problem of new code Elea for a recipe, a patient started screaming. “If you don’t open the door, the background I,” he said. Not only nobody guarantees for my health but I am also attacked ».
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Rossiello then declared toHandlethe triggering cause of his resignation: «The lack of respect for me and my illness. For years I have been taking care of the health of thousands of people, but when it was up to me to feel bad I was attacked, mistreated, treated without any regard ».
The video was shared and commented on by many doctors also in the light of the possible reform of the position of family doctors who are now self -employed by the health service, and which could go from the freelance to the dependence of the NHS. This should bring bitches au doctors for pregnancy, motherhood, disease and accidents.
So he explains to Corriere della Sera. «If the modification of the current legislative system will go to port, the basic doctors will become employees of the NHS as the hospital are already already but for a real health reform it would take a total revolution. The system is imploding. Let us do the doctors, not the bureaucrats. Let us work on health and not on the acute phase of the disease. We are general medicine specialists, family doctors, and instead we make the stops. By dint to tend it, the rope, sooner or later it breaks ».
These are the solutions it proposes. “It would take a filter made by nurses and administrative ones who go to skim all the requests that are not medical and clinical without these falling on us allowing us instead to visit, prevent, do doctors!”. «The reform would increase the hourly load to doctors who already do 70 hours of work per week. The calculation on how to restart the 38 hours per week of service to be carried out by law is done on the basis of the number of clients: if they are under a number the doctors must also make a tot of hours in the homes of the community to carry out tasks that you still don’t He knows well what they are. In fact, we are freelancers but we have the neck tied on two fronts: spending and health organization and patients. I have 1800. What do I do? I take care of it just a little and for the hours I have to work? I do at least 15 hours of laboratory weekly, but I have already finished them all on the second day. Pardon, I had finished them all. I resigned. Life change. And for the moment, I just think of restoring me».
Source: Vanity Fair

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