Have you ever imagined being sitting by the beach in the middle of the Brazilian tropical summer and opening a bottle of Syrah? And if I still say that it is a Syrah from the winter harvest ? For some, the statements may even shiver by the total lack of compatibility between the moment and the drink.
However, a Minas Gerais winery managed to overtake this barrier and “tamed Syrah” by producing a light -body wine, which can be served at temperatures below 10ºC. No wonder the label got the name of “Syrah Léger”, ie “Syrah Light”, translated from the French.
The production is from the Boutique winery Barbara Eliodora headquartered in São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, in the south of Minas Gerais. The wines belong to the Bernardes family, traditional grain producers in the region, and have the signing of the winemaker Isabela Peregrino one of the biggest references of the pruning duo in Brazil.
Even if it is not yet among the “best known wines in Brazil”, the label has already accumulated numerous medals.
In 2024, it was the national drink with the highest score in the contest promoted by the British magazine Decanter, in addition to receiving 94 points from the ADEGA BRAZIL 2025 guide .
The wine arrives in e-commerce with super-affordable price, at R $ 130 . So it can be a great cost-effective for those who like to have different bottles in the cellar.

Production process
To get to the end result, it was necessary to merge different Syrah maturation and fermentations in stainless steel tanks. The grapes are planted over 18 hectares of the farm, in vineyards who are 10 years old.
In this way, Léger reaches an incredible 12.6% alcohol, with super balanced body between acidity and tannins, as well as very intense aromas of red fruits.
With low alcohol and freshness acquired, the drink has been a very favorable version for those who do not ride to drink red even at higher temperatures.
Even, in a tasting guided by the owner-owner of the winery, Guilherme Bernardes in the restaurant Bai180 the suggested harmonization accompanied fish and salmon, becoming a very plausible option for those who like to risk preparing a meal.
Know history of the winery
The winery emerged from a family dream that has always been a great connoisseur of oenology. Thus, they spared no effort to invest heavily on the best in machinery and production technology.
The result was above expected and served as a motivation to honor, even more, the name of an exponent of Inconfidência Mineira, Barbara Heliodora Guilhermina da Silveira .
Eliodora is considered the first Brazilian poet and one of the most active names in the revolt against the Portuguese Crown.
Wife of Alvarenga Peixoto It is believed that she was one of her husband’s mentors to fight for patriotism and independence.
Barbara Eliodora died in 1819, in the city where the winery is located. However, her role was in the background in traditional history books.
Thus, it was up to Bernardes to try to revisit the past and praise the legacy of one of the most important women in Brazil.
*The texts published by the insiders and columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CNN Viagem & Gastronomia
About Stêvão Limana

Stêvão Limana is a journalist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), postgraduate in enology, postulant to professional sommelier and marathon runner in his spare time. On TV, it talks about politics and elections, while on the internet focuses on wines and gastronomy.
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Source: CNN Brasil

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