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Why Trump still has chance to Win Election

The polls say he has been beaten for months, his catastrophic management of the health crisis should be fatal at the polls, as well as his contempt for the “Black Lives Matter” movement, not to mention his stay in the hospital affected by this virus. he said harmless. Everything would work against the re-election of Donald Trump for the US presidential election in November, however .

However, the American reality is more complex. Hillary Clinton, the winning data for the 2016 presidential election, paid the price. In the Democratic electorate, Joe Biden arouses in the supporters of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren the same reluctance as the unsuccessful candidate of 2016. As for the vote of African-Americans, who had shunned the ballot box the same year, he still seems undecided.

With less than a month before the poll, Trump is doing everything possible to catch up in the polls, using Twitter frantically. On the themes of religious freedom, lower taxes, health, the fight against “fake news” in the media, not to mention the “Law and Order” (law and order) that he brandishes in response to the movement Back Lives Matter, it delivers a burst of messages to which a certain silent America adheres.

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