The Civil Police of Pernambuco and the Regional Council of Medicine of Pernambuco (Cremepe) are investigating the death of Adriana Barros Lima Laurentino, aged 46, after the carrying out a “butt harmonization” at the Bodyplasty clinic. The aesthetic procedure was carried out on January 11th, and a few hours later, the victim was found lifeless inside her own home. The death was registered by the Civil Police as Other Occurrences Against the Person, and investigations are continuing to clarify the circumstances of the case.
According to family members, Adriana began to feel intense pain shortly after being released from the clinic and returned home. where he could not resist and died. “The victim, a 46-year-old woman, was found dead in the bathroom of her residence . The investigations continue until the incident is clarified”, explained the Civil Police.
THE doctor responsible for the procedure, Marcelo Alves Vasconcelos, is being investigated by Cremepe, what revealed that he does not have active registration with the Pernambuco Medical Council . Furthermore, Cremepe reported that the Bodyplastia clinic would not have the adequate infrastructure to carry out interventions like Adriana’s.
“Due to the repercussions of the death of Adriana Soares Lima Laurentino, aged 46, after undergoing an aesthetic procedure, Cremepe carried out, this Monday (13), an emergency inspection at the clinic where the procedure was carried out. During the inspection, it was found that the doctor responsible for the care does not have regular registration with this Regional Council and that the environment in which the procedure was carried out is not suitable for carrying out this type of intervention, which makes it incompatible with the requirements safety requirements required by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM)”, informed Cremepe in a note.
On social media, Marcelo Alves Vasconcelos promotes the use of the substance polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) in his aesthetic procedures. However, the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery (SBCP) is against the use of PMMA, warning of the health risks and asking Anvisa to ban the material from 2024.
The case continues to be investigated by the Civil Police and Cremepe, who are working to clarify the causes of Adriana’s death and determine who is responsible. THE CNN contacted the doctor to comment on what happened and is awaiting a response.
This content was originally published in Woman dies in the bathroom after “butt alignment” in Recife; doctor is investigated on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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