X Factor 2021: Manuelito’s outburst and Manuel Agnelli’s disappointment

Anyone who chews a bit of talent show knows that assigning the cover of two sacred monsters like Lucio Battisti and Lucio Dalla to two beardless competitors could be a double-edged sword, a trap with no way out. The fourth Live of X Factor 2021 it taught us that, when dealing with talents capable of making them shine, the great classics can not only be sung, but also rearranged. This is the case of Gianmaria of the roster of Emma and of Baltimora of the roster of Hell Raton, respectively Starfish by Dalla and A man who loves you by Battisti, managing not only to do them justice, but also to bring them closer to a young audience that often does not know where the roots of Italian music lie. A mission accomplished for both X Factor both for the judges who, at this point in the competition, begin to feel the pressure and indulge in sharper comments.

Baltimore at the fourth Live’s X Factor 2021

The fate of his team was particularly taken care of by Manuel Agnelli, who spent a lot of money both to defend Mutonia, which Emma and Mika have defined as not very genuine, and Bengala Fire. “I have not seen the soul,” explained Hell Raton about the latter, meeting the resistance of the theater audience. At that point the judge did not hold back: «The public didn’t go to the conservatory, so they can do all the” buuu “they want». At that point the stands began to roar louder, and Manuelito immediately distanced himself from them: “Whoever incites rudeness and boorishness from me must stay away”. In the meantime, however, Agnelli’s defense has made no mention of breaking, explaining that his colleagues have compacted to block him. “Everyone here says your thoughts, but I think you made at least a couple of jokes a bit off the mark tonight”, Emma told her table colleague, supported by Manuelito.

Mutonia at the fourth Live of X Factor 2021

Too bad that Agnelli’s efforts did not have the desired effect: in fact, Mutonia, that the judges chose to eliminate in comparison with Erio despite Manuel had expressed the desire to go to the Tilt to make sure that their fate was decided by the public. So, however, it was not, and the Mutonia joined in Versailles, eliminated from the public in the first heat, immediately after the presentation of the unpublished competitors. Halfway through the path of Sky talent, the funnel is getting narrower and it is now clear that no judge is willing to give discounts to colleagues.


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