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5 signs your body needs more fiber

According to the guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organization) you should be consuming about 25 grams of fiber per day. But the vast majority of people don’t eat enough. According to a study presented at the annual conference of American Society for Nutrition and reported by Washington Post only 7% of people do. The reasons? “In the daily menus, little space is given to foods that are particularly rich in them such as vegetables and fruit and often at the table refined cereals and their derivatives are preferred to wholemeal ones” comments the nutritionist Valentina Schirò, specializing in food sciences. Yet fibers have several advantages. Not only do they improve digestion, but they are excellent allies to keep fit and safe from ailments and diseases. But what are the things to pay attention to to know if they are present enough in the diet? Here are the benefits they have and the 5 signs that the body needs more fiber.


Several studies have highlighted the importance of fiber consumption in the daily diet as he explains Wellandgood.com. There are two types and both have multiple advantages. “The soluble ones present in abundance in vegetables, legumes, seeds and fruit, fresh and dried, once ingested, dissolving in water, form a gel and slow down the digestive processes, increasing the sense of satiety which lowers the risk of type diabetes 2, weight gain, the onset of high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease »says nutritionist Valentina Schirò. «Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, thanks to their ability to absorb water, increase the volume of stools and facilitate evacuation, counteracting constipation. They are present for example in Whole grains and in leafy greens».


«Foods particularly rich in fiber slow down the assimilation of sugars, give an immediate and lasting sense of satiety and help reduce the amount of food consumed. They also decrease the absorption of fats. Once ingested, in fact, they promote the production of short-chain fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties »says the expert. “Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, favor the elimination of toxins and waste substances, facilitating the purification processes”.


Consumption of fiber is also associated with improved emotional well-being. «The olysaccharides present in the soluble fibers arrive intact in the colon and feed the beneficial bacteria that are also involved in the production of neurotransmitters that influence mood, including serotonin. The most recent research shows that a good intake of fiber reduces the risk of experiencing depression and anxiety ». And are you sure you are getting enough?
Discover 5 signs in the gallery to understand that the body needs more fibers.

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