A Thursday session rich in economic indicators

Like every Thursday since the health crisis exploded, operators will be watching for weekly jobless claims tomorrow in the United States for the week ended October 3 . Once again, they will remain below the million mark, but, at 820,000 expected, against 837,000 last week, the ebb will be only very modest, showing that the improvement of the labor market is difficult. Add to that various problems of measuring unemployment, such as in California, where fires are raging. “ Employment continues to grow but is still 7% below its level at the start of the year, ” note analysts at Oddo BHF.

In France, too, activity remains below what it was before the health crisis. It will be interesting to take a look at the Banque de France’s confidence index for September , which is expected to be published before the stock market opens, to see if the resurgence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the local reconfirmations have had an impact on the morale of economic players and on activity. Other indicators to watch include the German current account for August and the report of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank on September 10. Finally, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries will unveil its global forecast for black gold production.

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