The man accused of stabbing photographer Felipe Souza to death in the early hours of last Wednesday (8) was arrested by the police on Sunday afternoon (12). He confessed to the crime and claimed self-defense.
The photographer, known as “Terremoto”, was stabbed to death after an argument with two other men in downtown São Paulo, according to his girlfriend. The couple had left a nearby party just before the fight broke out.
One of the boys who was arguing with him was injured and had to be taken to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo. Police officers collected two knives for expertise.
The man accused of the crime and his girlfriend gave statements to the police. He claimed self-defense and was taken to the IML, where he underwent a corpus delicti examination that confirmed that the injuries suffered are consistent with his report.
The third party involved in the fight has been identified and should be heard this Monday (13). Investigations into the case continue through a police inquiry by the 3rd DP.
Felipe Souza, known as “Earthquake”
Felipe Souza was a collaborator of the collective “Jornalistas Livres”. The group mourned the passing of the photographer on social media. “We are devastated! How sad and unfair!” they wrote.
Also according to the organization, “Terremoto” participated in the movement of high school students, which occupied state schools in São Paulo, in 2015, to protest against the reorganization promoted by the then governor Geraldo Alckmin and the secretary of Education at the time, Herman Voorwald.
Later, the young man developed a talent for photography and began to record social movements, protests and scenes from the city’s streets.
He even traveled to Curitiba with the collective “Jornalistas Livres” to cover the period in which President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) was imprisoned in the Federal Police jail of Paraná.
The photographer’s body was buried on Saturday afternoon (11), at the Nova Cachoeirinha Cemetery, in the north of São Paulo.
*Posted by Fernanda Pinotti
Source: CNN Brasil

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