BBB25 generates memes after Diego and Dani send brothers to Xepa: “Oh pity”

Winners of the Angel Test this Saturday afternoon (25), Diego and Daniele Hypolito chose Gabriel and Maike for Punishment of the Monster causing the duo to leave Vip straight for Xepa.

Some participants in the house were angry with the choice, as the change of group means that Xepa’s food – in smaller quantities than Vip’s – has to be shared among more people . Maike and Gabriel even called Diego “stupid” for not choosing Xepa members for the Monster.

While some inside the house consider that the choice was bad for the Hypolito brothers, the BBB public on social media seems to think otherwise.

Gabriel and Maike’s complaints led to memes on the internet, and internet users pointed out that this year’s Xepa is too “gourmet”.

Globo is preparing several new features for the 25th edition of BBB; see which ones

This content was originally published on BBB25 yields memes after Diego and Dani sent brothers to Xepa: “Oh pity” on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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