Biden’s top campaign funder turns his back on Harris – His rebuke to those who wanted him to retire

John Morgan, a key financier of President Joe Biden, has announced that he will not financially support Kamala Harris in the event that the vice president takes Biden’s place in the presidential race. Morgan told ABC News that Harris has no chance of winning the November election because she is too progressive. The Florida lawyer also tweeted that “Joe Biden’s endorsement of Kamala is the ‘ante gam…’ to everyone who led him to the exit.” “It’s one thing to vote for someone, another thing to raise millions of dollars for someone, you have to be in the middle of things,” emphasized the American financier. “If Kamala Harris is the candidate for the presidential nomination with the Democrats, then there will be a big party at the Trump mansion in Mar a Lago on the night of the election,” concluded the big financier of the US president.
Source: News Beast

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