Caetano Veloso receives Doctor Honoris Causa title from university in Spain

The University of Salamanca, founded by King Alfonso de León in 1218, in Spain, awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the Brazilian singer and composer, Caetano Veloso. The honor, which took place on Monday (4), recognizes the accomplishments of people in some area of ​​activity.

In the case of the artist from Bahia, the institution’s Galician and Portuguese Philosophy professor, Pedro Serra, explained that the title recognizes “a journey of high linguistic and musical tension; a monument of the poetic, of poetry as a place of affection, love and friendship”.

“He made a love of language a way of life. He is a poet, a philologist in the noblest sense of the word”, said the professor during the artist’s presentation.

The dean of the educational institution, Ricardo Revero, also paid homage to the musician during his speech: “You are recognized here today for your cultural creation and for your ability to combine influences, styles, not only for music, but also for an entire philosophy. “Tropicália”, in 1968, marked a cultural revolution, the new stage of acclaimed Brazilian music”, he said.

During the acceptance speech, the musician revealed that this is the second honor he has received, the first of which, in 1998, was delivered by the Federal University of Bahia, on top of an electric trio.

It is important to highlight that, in 2004, he also received the distinction of Comendador da Ordem do Infante Dom Enrique, Ordem do Mérito Cultural, the highest distinction in Portugal. Already in 2014, for his role in the dissemination of Latin American culture, he was named Honorary Professor by the National University of Rosario, Argentina.

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“At night, when I stopped to write the words I wanted to say here, I remembered so many Mexican films, Argentine tangos, Cuban boleros and mambos, Peruvian songs by Chabuca Granda, Chilean songs by Violeta Parra, and not only films but also conversations with two Spaniards whom I love and will always love very much, Fernando Trueba and Pedro Almodóvar. For my part, I dedicate all the beauty of this party to these two. Thank you”, said Gaetano.

After the speech, the Brazilian musician returned the honors by singing one of the biggest hits of his career, the song “Genipapo Absoluto”.

On the social network “X”, formerly Twitter, Caetano once again thanked the university and the personalities present at the ceremony.

“Thank you very much to the Universidad de Salamanca, to the authorities present and to everyone who accompanied the solemn act of honoris causa doctorate, proposed by the Facultad de Filología of the university. Unforgettable!”, says the singer’s post.

What is Honoris Causa?

The Honoris Causa, a Latin term that means “because of honor”, ​​is an academic title awarded to a person with notable contributions to society in some area of ​​activity, such as cultural, political, literary, philanthropic and others. Anyone can be awarded, even if they don’t have a university degree.

The titles have no academic value, that is, they do not grant any type of graduation or qualification to the recipient, being used to recognize and honor the impact of the individual on humanity.

Source: CNN Brasil

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