Asthma is a very common chronic respiratory disease: worldwide, it is estimated that 340 million people live with the condition. In Brazil, this number is 20 million, according to Renato Miranda, pulmonologist at Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo. He and André Nathan, also a pulmonologist at Incor, are the guests of “CNN Vital Signs – Dr. Kalil Interview ” this Saturday (14).
In the program, experts join the Dr. Roberto Kalil to talk about asthma, its symptoms, how it can be diagnosed and forms of treatment and prevention.
According to Miranda, it is estimated that one in every 250 deaths is due to asthma. “In Brazil, this number, which was once three people per day, is now seven people who die from an asthma attack every day”, he adds. Nathan adds that pollution is one of the main risk factors for crisis episodes.
“Pollution is a tragedy, because those very small particles that remain in suspension, especially in cities, contain a lot of smoke and carbon monoxide. All of this is highly inflammatory for the lungs, even for individuals who do not have asthma”, he states.
Therefore, experts recommend that home measures and changes in routine be adopted as complementary measures to treatment.
“What is behavioral measurement for asthma? First, have a house that is like an allergy sufferer’s house: there is no velvet, no curtains, no old sofa, no old pillow, which are things that end up collecting dust, dust, mites, mold. So, you have to have this environmental hygiene”, explains Nathan. Furthermore, practicing physical exercise has proven benefits.
What is asthma?
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by difficulty breathing, wheezing and tightness in the chest, short and rapid breathing. Symptoms tend to worsen at night and in the early hours of the morning, or after physical activity, exposure to allergens, environmental pollution and climate change.
The condition can be mild, moderate or severe, depending on the degree of inflammation in the lung. “So, everyone is there breathing dust mites, mold and everything is fine. People who have asthma suffer more from it. His bronchus closes and it becomes more difficult to breathe”, explains Nathan.
According to the expert, asthma is more common in childhood and there is a strong genetic component behind its development.
“Some estimates indicate that, if one of the child’s parents has asthma, there is around a 25% chance of having asthma. If they both have it, that’s at least 50%. It doesn’t mean that the child will necessarily have asthma, but there is a greater chance”, explains Miranda.
What are the symptoms of asthma?
Among the main symptoms of asthma are:
- Dry cough;
- Wheezing in the chest;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Rapid and short breathing;
- Chest discomfort.
“The triggers are mainly allergens. So, what we are breathing all the time. For example: dust mites, dust, mold, cat and dog hair… These are things that are in the environment. In addition to viral or bacterial infections”, says Nathan.
The diagnosis is mainly clinical, but there are tests that can help confirm the condition, such as lung function testing and allergy tests. Treatment is generally carried out with specific medications for each case.
“It is important to emphasize that there is non-drug treatment, focusing on associated conditions. For example, reflux is a condition that can cause uncontrolled breathing”, explains Miranda.
Keeping your vaccinations up to date is a way to prevent asthma
Vaccination is an important factor in preventing asthma, according to experts. “In a patient with respiratory diseases, vaccination is always very important to try to prevent them from coming into contact with some viruses, especially in severe asthmatic patients. This is the case with the annual flu vaccine, pneumonia, and even whooping cough, which had a recent outbreak in São Paulo, for example,” says Miranda.
And, after all, does asthma have a cure? “That’s what every pulmonologist would like to say to their patient. Asthma can be controlled, cure is a bit of a strong word, because it is a disease inherent to the individual, and he or she was born with it. We have great medicines to control this. And what do we want? May the asthmatic individual have a normal life”, concludes Nathan.
“CNN Sinais Vitais – Dr. Kalil Interview” will air on Saturday, December 14, at 7:30 pm, on CNN Brasil.
This content was originally published in Changes in routine can help treat asthma, says expert on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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