A 12-year-old child wrote a note asking a neighbor for help, after seeing her 30-year-old mother being attacked and kept in private prison by her partner in the Várzea neighborhood, in the west zone of Recife.
In the message, the girl reported the attacks suffered by her mother and the starvation situation in which she and her sister found themselves: “Auntie, help me, “mainha” is being beaten a lot. Get us out of here”, wrote the girl.
The neighbor, upon receiving the note, immediately called the Pernambuco Military Police, who sent a team from the 12th Battalion to the location. The case was registered last Sunday (8), but was only revealed this Wednesday (11) by the PM.
Upon arriving at the residence, the police found the seriously injured woman and the attacker, a 24-year-old man, in a room of the house.
After being rescued, the victim was rescued and taken to the Caxangá Emergency Care Unit (UPA), also in the west zone of the capital of Pernambuco, and, later, transferred to Hospital da Restauração, in the central area of Recife. The victim’s name was not released.
In the action, the police seized 130 grams of crack in rocks, around 45 grams of white powder analogous to cocaine, marijuana, a precision scale and a knife, which would have been used against the woman.
The attacker, who had an injured hand, was taken to Getúlio Vargas Hospital, in the west zone, for treatment and was then charged with being caught in the act at the 1st Women’s Police Station (DPMUL), where he remains at the disposal of the courts.
According to the Civil Police, the case was registered as bodily injury due to domestic violence, false imprisonment, drug trafficking and threat.
This content was originally published in Child asks for help in note and mother is rescued from private prison in Recife on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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