Chopped his penis with an ax and put it in a jar – He got five centimeters back

A man chopped off his penis with an ax and then stored it in a jar of snow, with doctors managing to reattach five centimeters of the pieces he collected. His case was published in the Mega Journal of Surgery and according to the New York Post the protagonist concerns a 37-year-old from Austria with chronic mental health issues. The depressed man had bought magic mushrooms in an attempt to cure himself, as they are used experimentally in related ailments. However, he used without medical supervision and took four to five mushrooms while intoxicated. After a while he suffered a psychotic episode called Klingsor’s syndrome, which involves a person under the influence of magic mushrooms who self-mutilates their genitals. Using the ax he chopped up his molecule and put the pieces in a jar filled with snow from the street. Then, he wrapped his penis in a towel and after five hours he went to the hospital. The doctors […]
Source: News Beast

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