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Fake medical certificate: new CFM app promises to end fraud in real time

The Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) launched this Thursday (5), in Brasília, Atesta CFM, a digital platform to prevent the issuance of false medical certificates .

Available on the entity’s website and via app, the free service has three versions – one for doctors, another for citizens and the third for companies – and will come into effect for testing in November. From March 2025, use will be mandatory.

To use the system, the healthcare professional must complete a registration form and issue the certificate through the platform itself. The document will then have a QR-Code to check and validate the healthcare professional’s data.

The patient will be able to consult the certificates registered in their name and the company will be able to check the veracity of the documents, as well as use filters to identify the age group of employees who have been sick the most or which sector has the most absences, facilitating the planning of actions in favor of the health of workers.

CID Disclosure

According to Carlos Magno Dalapicola, occupational physician and treasurer of the CFM, the new certificate will only show the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) number – which indicates the patient’s health problem – if the patient allows it.

If the employee does not wish to disclose the ICD, the document will be accepted, but the company may refer the employee to the occupational physician. In the office, the employee will be able to talk more about the problems he or she is facing under doctor-patient confidentiality.


According to the CFM, All registered doctors will receive, in real time, an alert about the certificates issued in their name. If the professional notices fraud, he or she can cancel the document through the app.

Furthermore, in situations where care is provided in more remote locations, where internet access is difficult, the specialist can print certificates with the QR Code and fill them out manually, so that they can be delivered in physical form to the employee and the company. This option is also given to patients after filling out the form online.

If one of these printed units is stolen, the doctor can cancel the copies through the app. Thus, when reading the QR-Code, the company will become aware of the illegality.

The system was designed to work even during power outages and internet instability – it saves data offline and sends it as soon as the network is restored – and is already integrated with the Electronic Patient Record (PEP) and Electronic Prescription or Occupational Certificate platforms. This way, the doctor will continue with his/her clinical routine, using the local platform to prescribe and the Atesta CFM platform to validate and issue the certificate.

This content was originally published in False medical certificate: new CFM app promises to end fraud in real time on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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