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Farm was used by miners as support in Yanomami Territory, says PF

The Federal Police indicate that a farm judicially seized during Operation Taurus Aureus this week was used as an important support point for illegal mining in the Yanomami Territory, in Roraima.

According to federal delegate Michel Saliba, the property functioned as “a kind of port”, distributing supplies for the mining operation and receiving gold from the practice.

Judicial seizure is a judicial measure that makes an asset unavailable until there is a final decision in the process.

On Tuesday (3), in addition to enforcing the rural priority blockade, the PF arrested five people linked to illegal mining in the Yanomami Territory and served 15 search and seizure warrants.

Saliba states that among those preventively arrested are miners; financiers; buyers of gold from Yanomami land and people who acted in the logistics of supplying supplies for the mine.

“Several groups were identified that were working to support the operation of illegal mining […]. Mining depends on the existence of various goods and supplies, and these people provided these supplies,” explained the delegate.

Tuesday’s operation, carried out in the states of Roraima and Rondônia, sought to decapitalize the criminal organizations responsible for illegal mining on indigenous land.

The researchers say that these are legal measures to guarantee and repair the “immeasurable environmental damage caused by the activity”.

The warrants are directly linked to Operation Liberation, the permanent action initiated in February 2023 by order of the then Minister of Justice Flávio Dino, to remove invaders from the Yanomami Indigenous Land.

This content was originally published in Farm was used by miners as support in Yanomami Territory, points out PF on the CNN Brasil website.

Source: CNN Brasil

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