With the suffocating heat that has hit part of Brazil in recent days, searches for the term “heat wave” on Google are skyrocketing. The peak of searches occurred last Tuesday morning (14).
With temperatures approaching a drop in several states, Brazilians want to know when the weather will cool down in their region.
Residents of the Federal District, Goiás, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are those who most searched for the term “end of the heat wave” in the search tool until this Friday morning (17).
The four states and the DF are under red alert for intense heat, according to the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet).
In addition to them, Amazonas, Bahia, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Piauí, Rondônia and Tocantins are also under alert.
You are curious? See the weather forecast
Federal District
On Wednesday (15), Brasília (DF) reached its peak temperature during the heat wave, with thermometers reading 34.6° C.
For the next few days, the country’s capital continues to record temperatures above 30°C, but with a downward trend. According to Inmet, the maximum temperature on Friday (17) could reach 33° C. Over the weekend, the maximum will be 32° C. From Sunday onwards, Brasília is at risk of rain showers and isolated thunderstorms. The temperature starts to fall below 30° C from Tuesday (21).
During the heat wave, Goiânia (GO) had its temperature peak on Wednesday (15), when the capital’s thermometers registered 39.3° C.
On Friday (17) and at the weekend, Goiânia has a maximum temperature forecast of 35° C. On Sunday, the city is expected to be cloudy and with showers, the temperature will begin to fall on Monday (20), when the maximum does not exceed 27° C.
Minas Gerais
The maximum temperature in Belo Horizonte (MG) this week was 37.9° C, the thermometers at the Pampulha meteorological station recorded this number on Tuesday (14) and Thursday (16).
Between Friday (17) and Saturday (18), the capital of Minas Gerais could surpass this heat wave record, reaching 38° C. In the northern region of the state, five cities recorded temperatures above 41° C on Wednesday (15). From Sunday onwards, the temperature starts to drop and there are forecasts of rain in Belo Horizonte.
Rio de Janeiro
The city of Rio de Janeiro continues to experience high temperatures this Friday (17) and Saturday (18), when thermometers can reach 40° C. On Thursday (16), the capital of Rio de Janeiro broke the heat record for the year , with 40.6° C.
From Friday (17) night, according to Inmet, the city is forecast to have rain in some locations. The temperature begins to drop on Sunday, with a predicted maximum of 35° C. On Monday (20), thermometers should not reach more than 25° C.
São Paulo
People from São Paulo will feel the change in temperature more. On Friday (17) and Saturday (18), the maximum forecast for the capital is 37° C. On Sunday (19), thermometers should not exceed 25° C. In addition to the drop in temperature, there is a warning of storms and gusts of wind from Friday afternoon (17). On Tuesday (14), the capital of São Paulo broke the temperature record for the year, with a maximum of 37.7° C.
Arrival of the cold front
According to meteorologist and executive partner at Nottus, Desirée Brandt, the classic combination of a lot of heat and humidity, with the advance of the cold front, causes storms.
The meteorologist explains that we are witnessing the phenomenon called “pre-frontal”, when thermometers reach their peaks before the temperature drops. “I would venture to say that this night (from Friday to Saturday) will be the most difficult of the week to sleep because of the heat. This is between São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro”.
Strong storms arrive from Saturday (18) in the north of Paraná and in the state of São Paulo. “The cold front effectively advances along the southeast coast between Saturday night and Sunday morning. The coast of São Paulo has a high risk of gales and strong gusts of wind”, explains Desirée.
“We are talking about storms with wind, electrical discharges and hail. Winds of 50 km/h are already capable of knocking down trees. We will certainly have strong gusts with the potential to bring disruption to many municipalities between the north of Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro”, warns the meteorologist.
Next week
For next week, the specialist explains that “we will have another world”. The heat wave loses strength and the rain will spread more and more across Brazil.
“It won’t be enough rain to reverse the drought in the rivers in the northern region of the country, but it will stop the number of fires and could reduce the speed of the fires.”
Source: CNN Brasil

I’m James Harper, a highly experienced and accomplished news writer for World Stock Market. I have been writing in the Politics section of the website for over five years, providing readers with up-to-date and insightful information about current events in politics. My work is widely read and respected by many industry professionals as well as laymen.