The historic flood of 2024 in Porto Alegre affected, until the morning of this Thursday (16), 157,701 people, according to mapping carried out by the city hall. This is equivalent to 11.8% of the inhabitants of the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, according to data from the 2022 Census.
In total, 46 neighborhoods in Porto Alegre were affected by the flood. Among the ten most affected, four are from the north zone (Sarandi, Farrapos, Humaitá and São Geraldo), four from the central region (Menino Deus, Cidade Baixa, Floresta and Centro Histórico) and two from the south zone (Ponta Grossa and Lami).
In the current flood, the level of Lake Guaíba broke a historic record, reaching 5.33 meters on the 5th and 6th of May. At the beginning of this week, the level rose again, reaching a peak of 5.25 meters on Tuesday (14), but is now on a downward trajectory.
A CNN created an interactive map of the neighborhoods affected by the flood. See below:
On the map above, the color red represents areas with more than 20 thousand people affected – in this case, only the Sarandi neighborhood fits into this category. In orange are the neighborhoods with 10,000 to 20,000 people affected. In yellow are the areas whose flooding impacted 1,000 to 10,000 inhabitants. The color green symbolizes areas with 100 to 1,000 people affected, while the color blue encompasses neighborhoods with less than 100 people affected.
Almost 40,000 buildings were affected by the flood. As with the impacted population, the Sarandi neighborhood was the one with the highest number of buildings affected by water.
More than 1,000 kilometers of public roads were covered by the flood. Still in the area of public facilities, 186 squares and 12 parks and squares were affected.
In the health sector, the floods affected 22 health units, two hospitals, three popular pharmacies and four family clinics. In education, 160 schools were impacted, 16 municipal, 44 state and 100 private.
See the flood numbers in Porto Alegre:
- Affected population: 157,701 people
- People killed: 5
- Missing people: 10
- Affected buildings: 39,422
- Companies affected: 45,970
Affected structures:
- Squares: 186
- Parks and lakes: 12
- Public roads: 1,081 kilometers
- 16 municipal schools
- 44 state schools
- 100 private schools
- 22 health units
- 2 hospitals
- 3 popular pharmacies
- 4 family clinics
Source: CNN Brasil

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