For Pride Burger King announces its commitment to the “rainbow” cause

In the month dedicated to Pride and in view of the Milan Pride Parade of 2 July, Burger King Italy announced the collaboration with Open Space Servicesa social cooperative that manages Rainbow Housethe reception project for boys and girls who suffer discrimination from their families of origin due to their sexual orientation, gender identity or the transition process started.

The company – which for years has been at the forefront of supporting the Priderealizing its motto “We welcome everybody” – will give the opportunity to the boys and girls guests of start a path of professional insertion in Burger King restaurants in Italy.

In addition, on the occasion of the month of Pride and exclusively in the Milanese Burger King restaurants of Pola and Tibaldi, a colorful version of the iconic Whopper will be available, the Proud Whopper. A normal Whopper, but wrapped in a rainbow wrapper to underline the message of inclusiveness launched by Burger King. «At Burger King we firmly believe that multiculturalism and inclusion make us a better company. Themes that we support not only theoretically, but through the implementation of concrete projects »- he comments Chiara Camerini, Marketing and Communication Director of Burger King Restaurants Italy – “the partnership with Casa Arcobaleno is a small step, which however can help these young people in difficulty and give them a solid foundation on which to build their future, as well as another place to feel at home”.

Casa Arcobaleno has two apartments located in the city of Milan, the first operational from 2019 and the second inaugurated in 2020. Two more are under construction. A safe and secure place, dedicated to all those who following the coming out they found themselves without a home and without the affection of a family. An inclusive world, capable of enhancing differences and welcoming and promoting change, fully embracing the shared values ​​of Burger King.

Source: Vanity Fair

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