“Against all forms of conspiracies, leveling party logic and common slander, we respond in the most reliable way there is: our work,” the Ministries of Digital Governance and Finance said in a joint statement on the occasion of a SYRIZA announcement.
“The announcement by SYRIZA about the cyber security project that has been included in the Recovery Fund is made with clear slanderous intent.
The official opposition allegedly “wonders” if funds were used from a project for which there has not even been a contractor and for which it also appears from its published technical bulletin that no contracting is expected before the fourth quarter of 2022.
All this for an extremely critical program concerning the creation of an operations center for the cyber security of the Greek public which was allowed to fall into an untenable state during the years of SYRIZA.
It is reminded that this specific project, like all other projects that have been included in the Recovery Fund, will be financed with all the relevant conditions of the national and European controls.
In more detail, for this specific issue, we emphasize the following:
1. In the framework of the actions of the National Plan “Greece 2.0”, as approved by the executive decision of the Council of the European Union from 13 July 2021 on the approval of the evaluation of the Recovery and Resilience plan for Greece (st 10152/21, ST 10152/21 ADD1) and as it was ratified by Law 4822/2021 (Α΄135), the project “Cybersecurity strategy and policies in the Public Sector and creation of a National Center for Cybersecurity Operations” (OPS code TA 5150132) has been included in Action 16823 “Investing in Improving Public Cyber ​​Security and Creating a National Cyber ​​Security Center”.
Furthermore, within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RDF), the Ministry of Digital Governance (MDG) is the usual funding agency for the digital projects to be included, given the nature of these projects (indicative digitization of files, creation of ICT systems, etc. K). It is noted that the budget of the included digital projects (with funding body the High Commission) amounts to 3.6 billion euros.
The above is subject to the issuance of a relevant ministerial decision on inclusion by the Deputy Minister of Finance, following a relevant audit of the project submitted for inclusion by the Special Recovery Fund Coordination Service (EFSTA) of the Ministry of Finance.
2. Among these projects is included the specific one, which is also foreseen by the National Cybersecurity Strategy.
Our country, in contrast to almost all other EU countries, has not yet developed a center to be able to manage the defense for cyber attacks in the public sector. This need has become clear in recent events such as late 2019 and early 2020 – as has the vacuum that existed.
The exact physical object of the project is accessible as early as March 2022 at this link.
3. The EYP is the competent State agency for the prevention and static and active response to electronic attacks against communication networks, information storage facilities and IT systems since 2008 (article 4 par. 8 of Law 3649/2008) and the specific project follows as a necessity in the context of this competence.
4. The body implementing the specific project is the Center for Technological Support, Development and Innovation (KETYAK) of the Ministry of Education. Consequently, KETYAK is the contracting authority, which will proceed, based on the relevant decision to include the project in the TAA (ADA: 6IoXi-PPSS), in the effective implementation of the project and in ensuring the achievement of operational milestones and goals, in concluding contracts and the monitoring of their execution, in the submission to EYSTA of drafts of a declaration, contract or amendment thereof, in order to obtain approval, where required.
5. The project in question is currently in the bid evaluation phase and therefore no disbursement has yet been made.
Finally, we point out that in the face of all forms of conspiracy, leveling party logic and common slander, we respond in the most reliable way there is: our work.”
Source: Capital
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