This article is published in number 36 of Vanity Fair on newsstands until September 5, 2023
NoIn his study we go to understand if our lifestyle risks making us ill. Functional medicine studies the underlying mechanisms of chronic diseases and treats symptoms that are not attributable to a specific pathologybut often in a state of chronic inflammation – such as insomnia, headache, irritable bowel, intolerances – with a systemic approach that starts from the individual as a whole, including lifestyle, interactions with the environment and biological processes of the body: “The main purpose of this discipline is to restore the balance of the body and improve its function, with the ultimate goal of preventing rather than treating diseases through a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, exercise promotion
physical fitness and stress management by focusing on nutrition, dietary supplementation and specific breathing exercises,” he explains Luisa Forteleoni, physiatrist expert in Functional Medicine of the Medisphere Center of Milan and creator of NextHealth.
«Unlike what was previously thought, the greatest impact on the manifestation of a pathology is not given solely by the genes: the our habits and the environment that surrounds us can uncover genetic diseases or even create the conditions for the development of non-genetic diseases.
Functional medicine, in addition to being preventive, is therefore above all predictive, because through some instrumental evaluations it identifies the parameters common to the development of some diseases. The state of chronic low-grade inflammation, for example, is one of those conditions. To evaluate the level of inflammation, a bio-impedancemetry and an examination for the measurement of the Autonomic Nervous System are carried out together with other diagnostic tests, and then we proceed with the prescription of a nutritional and physical-motor plan, as well as respiratory exercises and functional supplements », concludes the expert.
Source: Vanity Fair
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