How to protect yourself from sexual diseases if you make love to another woman

How to protect yourself from sexual diseases if you make love to another woman
General recommendations

But before moving on to analyzing the barrier methods – which you can find below by scrolling the article to the end – it is good to make some general recommendations.

If you or your partner have any wounds or of open injuries (for example, from herpes or syphilis), avoid contact of any kind with those points. People who suffer from genital herpes they can hire a antiviral drug daily to make transmission less likely (although this does not become impossible anyway).

As for theHPV, almost all sexually active people will contract it later in life, according to scientific studies. In 9 out of 10 cases it goes away on its own and causes no symptoms, but for some people, HPV can cause genital warts or some types of cancer, like the one in the cervix. Fortunately, the papilloma virus is not necessarily a lifelong condition like herpes; the majority of people clears the infection within two years. But it is highly recommendable to do the HPV vaccine (to this link all the necessary information).

Finally, it is prudent get tested regularly. This means once a yearif you have not been sexually active for a long time or perform them at a week away after every time you have a meeting with a new partner.

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Source: Vanity Fair