Bedbugs have taken over bars in the center of Rio de Janeiro. The insects settled on chairs in the properties and customers were hit with the infestation . According to reports, the incidents have been going on for a few months, and people have been bitten.
The Municipal Health Surveillance Institute (IVISA-Rio) received last Wednesday night (11) three requests registered in Central 1746 for a chain of bars. In addition to the three requests, directly mentioning this bar chain, IVISA-Rio has not yet received any other complaints about the same problem for no other establishment in the city.
In a statement, the Os Ximenes Group was aware of what happened and has already contacted the responsible bodies at City Hall, who have already gone to the scene and informed that they will take the necessary measures. As a preventive measure, a Pest control on tables and chairs and high pressure cleaning will be carried out on the furniture. Tables and chairs were replaced with plastic ones until the case is resolved.
THE CNN contacted the Municipal Urban Cleaning Company (Comlurb), which added that was not activated in the case of a bar in Glória.
A report from one of the regulars spread on social media. “Guys who usually drink at ‘ximarelinho da Glória’, in the middle of the cracks in the wooden chairs there is a build-up of bedbugs that end up releasing a bedbug larvae causing allergies. Four people I know had a very injured leg, including my girlfriend who ended up in hospital on Saturday because it was very blistered and itchy.
Remembering that the The official channel for citizens to make a report is Central 1746 which can be accessed by telephone or via the website
This content was originally published in Infestation: bars in Rio de Janeiro are affected by bedbugs on the CNN Brasil website.
Source: CNN Brasil

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