Justice maintains preventive detention of Bruno Krupp, who ran over and killed a young man

Judge Gustavo Kalil, from the 4th Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro, maintained, this Friday (26), the arrest of model Bruno Krupp, who ran over and killed 16-year-old João Gabriel Cardim Guimarães, on July.

The magistrate received a complaint from the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro (MP-RJ) for evidence of materiality, arrest warrant, autopsy report, exams and vehicle. He also rejected requests from Bruno’s defense for relaxation of his preventive detention, decreed on August 3.

“The concrete gravity of the facts, as imputed by the MP, is accentuated. Also because, there are indications that the Accused would have the habit of driving in a dangerous way. As for the day of the facts, it is worth noting that, according to Mr. Roger Boing, the accused would be traveling at more than 150 km/h on a public road”, said judge Gustavo Kalil in the action.

According to court records, Krupp was driving a motorcycle around 10:50 pm when he ran over the teenager on Avenida Lucio Costa, Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro. The young man was in a crosswalk.

Both were taken to Lourenço Jorge Hospital, but Guimarães could not resist his injuries and died on 31 July. Krupp had bruises and was detained at the health complex.

The defense also justified the softening of the arrest for the worsening in the model’s health condition. However, the judge upheld the request.

“Finally, I emphasize that, as informed by Seap [Secretaria de Estado de Administração Penitenciaria], regarding the state of health, the Defendant is ‘better than at the beginning of the hospitalization’. Thus, nothing indicates a risk to life that justifies the revocation of the prison. For all these reasons, I reject the libertarian claims and maintain preventive detention”, concluded Kalil.

Source: CNN Brasil

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