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Kit Harington talks about the “rushed” ending of “Game of Thrones”: “Everyone is tired”

The British actor Kit Harington 37, spoke in an interview with GQ magazine about the “hurried” ending of “Game of Thrones” and explained why the spin-off of his character, Jon Snow, did not go ahead.

“I think if there was any flaw with the ending of [‘Game of’] ‘Thrones’, is that we were all so tired that we couldn’t have gone on any longer . And so I understand that some people thought it was rushed, and I can agree with them. But I’m not sure there was any alternative. I look at pictures of myself from that final season and I look exhausted. I didn’t have another season in me. “, he said.

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think there were mistakes made, story-wise, maybe towards the end. I think there were some interesting choices that didn’t quite work out,” he said of the series’ final episode.

After the end of “Game of Thrones” one spin-off Jon Snow’s role began to be discussed, however, some time later, the actor himself revealed that the idea had been discarded.

“HBO came to me and said, ‘Would you consider this?’ My first reaction was no. And then I thought there might be an interesting and important story about the soldier after the war. I felt there might be something to be said and a story to be told in a very limited way,” he said.

“We spent a couple of years going back and forth developing this. And it just didn’t… nothing got us excited enough. Nthe end, I kind of stepped back and said, ‘I think if we push this any further and keep developing it, we might end up with something that’s not good. And that’s the last thing we all want. ‘”, he explained.

Speaking to GQ, Harington also spoke about how difficult it was to say goodbye and dissociate himself from the character he played for almost a decade.

“There’s a lot of baggage that comes with that, and I think that was part of the problem. In a way, you have to completely divorce yourself from that previous thing, and we’re only a few years after that. Paper will always be a significant factor in my life . It may very well be the biggest and most important work I do. I met my wife on it. I have children from it. I have some lifelong friends. I get recognized on the street because of it,” he said.

“[Mas] was also going against what I’m trying to do, which is to separate myself [da série]. For still being with him, [seria] It’s very difficult to ask people to see you as something else. And it’s kind of essential to doing my job, for people to come see me and not see Jon Snow. “, he concluded.

Game of Thrones’ Kit Harington Says He’ll Never See House of the Dragon

See also: Naomi Watts images in canceled “Game of Thrones” prequel

Source: CNN Brasil

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