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Leidy Elin is eliminated from BBB24, with an average of 88.33% of the votes

A 14 rd eliminated from BBB24 was Leidy Elin, with an average of 88.33% of votes to leave, this Tuesday (26). She received 90.42% of the Fan Votes and 86.23% of the Single Vote, and the result was the weighted average.

The trancist fought to stay in the house with Davi (6.76%), Matteus (1.07%) and MC Bin Laden (3.84%). The public vote was to eliminate a participant from the reality show.

Leidy ended up on the fourteenth wall of the reality show, after being the second most voted in the house with 4 votes. After completing more than 74 days of confinement, she took the lead among reality participants and broke a historic record for not being voted on.

The sister still faces her first spot in the entire game. Earlier, the braider was grateful for the opportunity to be on the reality show and renewed her look by removing her braids. During his career, Leidy was involved in major clashes, mainly with Davi. At one point, she even threw the Bahian's clothes into the house's swimming pool.

Despite this, Leidy said goodbye to all the brothers in the house, including Davi and the Fada group. “David, stay calm with your heart at peace in here, huh? Stop being nervous”, she reassured.

See how the voting turned out

Average: 6.76%
Single Vote: 8.22%
Fan Vote: 5.30%

Leidy Elin

Average: 88.33%
Single Vote: 86.23%
Fan Vote: 90.42%

Average: 1.07%
Single Vote: 1.42%
Fan Vote: 0.72%

MC Bin Laden
Average: 3.84%
Single Vote: 4.13%
Fan Vote: 3.56%

Find out who Leidy is

Source: CNN Brasil

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